“After months of isolation, gearing up to host my first party felt quite daunting. I did not know what to expect!”
How would the kids interact given the pandemic?
How protective would the parents be?
Do I still have my hosting mojo?

Turns out… this first party back was one of my favourite party experiences to date, over my past 3 years with the company! It was a breath of fresh air and really gave the sense that we as a state, did a fantastic job during the pandemic.
Without a doubt, the best part of the party was the children! Hands down, the nicest, kindest, most inclusive kids I’ve ever witnessed at a party. Honestly, I could only hope that when I have kids, they get put in a class with children as wonderful as this. All Injured or shy children were all made to feel included.
Perhaps my favourite game of the party was the Wishing Dust activity.
Shout out to my partner, Hannah, for executing this flawlessly!
The boys were so engrossed in this. There were zero signs of toxic masculinity, and I need to give the parents, teachers and children themselves my utmost respect for that! Despite Hannah saying that the dust belonged to fairies or unicorns or ballerinas, the boys just sat, made no comments and were stoked to be there for the birthday party. The boys even danced around in a circle laughing while holding hands during Musical Dots which was smile-inducing to everyone watching.
One outspoken child believed in the dust magic so much that she started coaching the other kids alongside Hannah to ensure everyone got their wish granted! It was very cute and I saw not only myself, but other parents clutch their heart when she spoke up.
Finally, when the children were told to tell their wish to their parents, the sheer explosive wholesome excitement was contagious. The kids raced to their parents, waved their arms, and shouted their wishes while bouncing up and down. Not only was it super cute, the best part was glancing at each listening parent, beaming with such genuine happiness as they watched their children’s joy and belief in magic.
I walked out of this party with the biggest grin on my face ,feeling like Hannah and I did a great job in truly giving the parents and kids a party to remember 😊
Thanks for reading,