



Let's check availability for your date.

Duration of entertainment *

Event Date *


Start Time *

Child or event name *

Age turning

(if applicable)

Character costume request

Possible additions to your party

Face painting and balloon twisting can be added to any theme party but not required to be added for face painting or balloon twisting themed events. Please allow 5 minutes for face painting and 3 minutes for balloon twisting and glitter tattoo per child per entertainer. If you have a large group you may wish to add additional time to ensure your guests have sufficient time for the themed games and activities. Read more


(Please allow 5min per child)

Balloon Twisting

(Please allow 3 minutes per child)

Glitter Tattoos

(Cost is per party)

Snow / Bubbles / UV Light

(Cost is per party)

Shimmer/Glitter Wall

Animatronic Meet ‘n’ Greet


(Cost is per child)


(Cost is per child)

Pay a deposit of $100.00


Outwit, outlast, outplay… Those are the words on everyone’s lips when they attend one of Parties Kids Remember’s Survivor party.

With tribal headscarves and face paint logos, competitors must solve puzzles, eat worms, clear out the caves with an accuracy throw and loads more in order to survive. Only the bravest can face the jelly challenge and only the most skilful can survive the water balloon toss!

Two survivor performers host your party for one hour and twenty minutes duration and work with the guests to create a fantastic atmosphere. All tribe members take home a choice prize but only one can be the ULTIMATE SURVIVOR.

Customised invitations, quality prizes, two performers, head scarves and all materials provided. Sit back, relax and enjoy the day with your child.

everyone has fun at a survivor party