Being a kids’ party host isn’t all glitter and games, some of the things we experience can be incredibly kooky! Some of the requests
we get from the tiddly-peeps are super strange, so why not recall the top five weirdest parties and their requests that I’ve experienced in my time working for Parties Kids Remember!
- As we all know, fidget spinners were the hottest thing going in schools across the globe. Their simple, fun design and the surprisingly sound research behind them made them the epitome of cool. So cool that you’d want nine of them painted on your face and arms? To be more specific, this young lad had four on each arm and one giant one in the middle of his face. It was quite the spectacle! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg in the strange things I’ve experienced over the years.
- Over Easter, the company sends out many Easter Bunnies in a full suit- giant bunny head included. A few years ago it was my turn to don the ears and make children’s dreams come true. Only one problem – I’m clumsy with full vision and unrestrained movement, so imagine when you put a sizeable bunny head on that blocks your vision! Of course I had a helper on hand to guide the way, but she wasn’t fast enough to stop the four-kid-collision. Thankfully, no children were hurt in the making of this blog post, just a goofy bunny’s pride.
- I was working with a fellow employee, Tessa, at a silent disco recently. The kids were a bit older and didn’t seem that interested in more traditional games such as musical bobs. That’s where Tessa took the spotlight. In a flash she got all the teens into a circle and started doing a ‘whip circle’. Now, I had no idea what this was at the time, but apparently the ‘whip’ and ‘nae-nae’ made famous by the popular song, Watch me (Whip/Naenae) by Silento. Without this context though it looked like a circle of youths punching the air with no rhyme or reason, which is probably because it was a silent disco. Props to Tessa though, because that party was a blast.
- The company often does bookings for pubs or nightclubs for face painting at special events. One of these instances, I was pa
ired with a really good friend who worked with the company. We suspected that the clientele would be a bit merry due to it being at a bar, but we didn’t realise how much fun it would be! The people we met were so happy with their face paints, probably even more so than the kids we usually deal with! Walt Disney was right, growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional. - And finally, the weirdest thing we must deal with every time we clock into work is the kids’ imaginations. I was at a superhero party dressed as Batgirl with another host as Batman. The kids were really in to the games and seemed genuinely invested in the stories we would weave in to the activities’ descriptions. When we finished, we had to help walk them to the place where they were eating, and before I knew it three adorable little girls were latched to my arms (and one on my leg!). They were bombarding me with questions – Do I live in a cave? Do I fly? Am I dating Batman?! It was all seemingly innocent until one of them asked why I had bumps on my chest. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that not even Batgirl can save you from puberty.
And there you have it! The five weirdest experiences or requests I’ve had at a children’s party. Kids’ say the darndest things, right?! I’d love to hear what you’ve been asked by a small human, leave any funny stories down in the comments!
Have a magical day!
- R